Completing the Departure Application Form


Guidance on the completion of the application form in DAS is provided below. Unless stated otherwise, all form fields are to be completed by the Designer. The form acts as a live record and can be changed, added to and updated throughout Stages 1 to 3 of the departure process (see the Departures Manual for full details of the process).

If a Designer is uncertain as to how any aspect of the form should be completed, they should seek guidance from the Project Manager for the scheme in the first instance.

Key data

The Key Data section within the departure application aims to provide the core information necessary to reference a departure and confirms where it is within the workflow status, and who is responsible for the next action.

Departure IDThe Departure ID is automatically generated when the departure application is created
Revision NumberThe Revision Number is automatically managed by DAS and is read only.  The first revision number is 0.  Revisions can be created if re-submitting a previously rejected departure. When multiple versions are available, they can be selected using the drop down provided.
StatusThe status is automatically managed by DAS and is read only.  It reflects the workflow state that the departure application is currently in.
Assigned ToThis read only field identifies who the departure application is currently assigned to, i.e. the person how will undertake the next action in the departure workflow.
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Departure progress

The application’s Departure Progress section provides read only information regarding people assigned to the departure and an overview of the departure timeline to date – showing all workflow stages, when they were completed and by whom.


People need to be assigned to the different roles that are undertaken as part of the departures process, this ensures they are given the relevant access to the departure application and are correctly notified when their input is required. The table below indicates who is responsible for nominating and inputting into DAS the holders for the different roles.

DesignersThe original creator of the departure application is automatically added as a Designer.  Additional Designers should be nominated and input by the Designer, or Proposer (once identified)
ProposerThe Proposer should be nominated and input by the Designer
Project Manager (PM)The Project Manager should be nominated and input by the Designer or Proposer
Specialist Submission Point (SSP)Whilst a nomination can be input by the Designer, Proposer or Project Manager; the DAS Admin team shall be responsible for verifying and assigning the Specialist Submission Point  
Technical Specialist (TS)Whilst a nomination can be input by the Designer, Proposer or Project Manager; the lead Technical Specialist shall be assigned by the Specialist Submission Point
Additional Technical Reviewers (AR)The Additional Technical Reviewer(s) may be nominated and input by the Specialist Submission Point, Technical Specialist or Authorising Signatory
Authorising Signatory (AS)The Authorising Signatory shall be nominated and input by the Specialist Submission Point
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Action buttons

The Departure Progress section is also the home to all action buttons for the application.  Buttons visible will vary depending on the workflow stage, and the current user’s role.  An overview of the buttons that can be displayed is provided in the figure below.

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Departure Information

The departure information can be added/updated up to the point of submission to the Project Manager. All departure information shall be provided to be able to proceed to preparing the submission.

Design organisationSelect the Design organisation which is submitted in the departure application. Please note that separate design organisations are created for scheme JVs.  Please contact DAS Admin ( if the required design organisation is not available. 
Departure titleA plain English title shall be given where a project-specific file naming convention (e.g. IAN 184) is used.  Do not include HE999999-JV99-EXAMPLE-DF-GEO-ZZZZZZZZ-001-01 type narrative. The following convention should be adopted: Design Organisation-M62-J26-EB Exit – Stopping Sight Distance-GEO-001
StandardClicking the pencil icon in DAS will display a modal which can be used to search all available standards within the system. Using the ‘Search for a standard’ text box at the top of the modal, enter text to restrict the results returned until the desired standard has been found. All fields visible in the results table are searched: Description, Subject, Category and Volume. Clicking on an item within the results table will provide full details, i.e. a non-truncated description. With the required standard selected, click the ‘Select standard’ button provided to select the standard.

The same standard can be listed multiple times with different ‘subjects’. Please ensure that the correct record is selected for your departure.
Year of issuePlease confirm the year that the standard was issued.
Clause/ParagraphIdentify the requirement to which the proposed departure relates or indicate it relates to an “Aspect not covered by requirements”
Project InformationFunctionality is provided to search for projects by PIN, Road or Scheme.  Once you have identified the correct project the details can be saved to the departure application. The option is also provided to record the application as a ‘Third party works departure’, i.e. there is not National Highways PIN.

Schemes can be delivered across several PINs, it is recommended that confirmation of the PIN to be used should be sought from the National Highways Project Manager to ensure the correct option is chosen.
Form of contractSelect the form of contract for the scheme
Cost benefitThis field is only applicable to departures submitted for the use of novel technology or method or value engineering (Reason for Departure 3 or 4).   Provide the estimated net cost benefit for the departure when compared with a design in accordance with the requirement it is proposed to depart from. The calculation of net cost benefit should be attached to the application. Guidance on the calculation of the net cost benefit is given in Section 5.
Operations/Major project divisionsSelect the Directorate for the scheme, if unknown please contact the Project Manager who will know correct assignment during a departure submission. The Directorate is responsible for operating and maintaining the motorway and constructing works that do not classify as a major project. Please contact DAS Admin ( if the required Directorate is not available. 
Net programme benefit ** This field is due to be added to DAS as a future enhancement **

This field is only applicable to departures submitted for the use of novel technology or method or value engineering (Reason for Departure 3 or 4).   Provide the estimated net programme benefit for the departure when compared to a design in accordance with the requirement it is proposed to depart from. The calculation of net programme benefit should be attached to the application. Guidance on the calculation of the net programme benefit is given in Section 5.
TemplateSelect the template relevant to the primary subject of the departure application. The template selection determines the default headings and guidance notes that are created within the Submission and Benefits, Impacts & Risks sections of the application form. The template cannot be changed once the application has been progressed to “Submission in preparation”. See ‘Submission’ further below for guidance on how to complete each template.

Please note: All traffic signs, including road markings and road studs, must comply with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Direction 2016 (TSRGD) or be authorised by the Secretary of State. Statutory and mandatory requirements are specified in MCHW Series 1200. The departures process shall not be used to seek authorisation of any traffic sign which is not prescribed by the TSRGD. Any request for a non-prescribed traffic sign shall first be made to the SES Safer Roads Design team ( for initial review and discussion. The Safer Roads Design team will follow the Department for Transport’s non-prescribed traffic sign authorisation process for all such requests. Further information on the process for non-prescribed traffic signs, including the typical timeframes for the review of applications, is available from the Safer Roads Design team.
Project safety risk categorySelect the scheme risk category based on the guidance given in GG 104: A B C
Departure safety risk categorySelect the departure risk category based on the guidance given in GG 104: ABC
Departure criticalitySelect the criticality of the departure from the following list:
5 – Departures that are fundamental to the viability of the scheme
4 – Departures that are fundamental to the selection of options for the scheme
3 – Departures that are fundamental to the delivery of commitments made through consultation or statutory procedures
2 – Departures that are not fundamental, but have impact on other disciplines or suppliers during detailed design and can be managed through value engineering during detailed design
1 – Departures that are not fundamental and do not have impact on other disciplines or suppliers and can be managed through value engineering during detailed design
0 – Departures that relate to non-compliant features incorporated into the works that do not have an approved departure application

For departure applications of high criticality, please ensure there is early engagement with the NH Project Manager and relevant ‘Safety, Engineering and Standards’ team(s).
Departure summaryProvide a brief summary describing the nature of the proposed departure.
This departure is an innovationCheck this tick box if the departure application relates to the use of a novel technology or method.
ConfidentialCheck this tick box if the departure application is confidential.  Confidential departure applications shall not be accessible to those outside the design organisation or National Highways staff unless consent is given by the Project Manager. See Section 10 for details of confidentiality.
Estimated Submission Date** This field is due to be added to DAS as a future enhancement **

Select the date it is anticipated that the full departure application will be made. This date will not be enforced as a deadline by National Highways, it will only be used internally within National Highways to anticipate forward workload and plan resourcing. This field should be updated if the estimated submission date changes.  
Reason for departure ** This field is due to be added to DAS as a future enhancement **

Select the reason for the departure from the following list: Existing sub-standard feature to be retained Requirements cannot be satisfied Use of novel technology or method Value engineering Aspect not covered by requirements Non-compliant construction that cannot be rectified
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Departure locations

The application’s Departure Locations section is editable by Designers and Proposers during ‘Need identified’ and ‘Submission in preparation’ stages in DAS.

Multiple locations can be added to the application; at least one location shall be provided.

Two options are provided to add locations to the application:

  1. Add location – A new location record will be added, and the following information is required:
    • Description – please provide a description of the location
    • OSGB36 Grid Reference – please provide a grid reference for the location (e.g. ST 59314 73033, ST 5931 7303, or ST 593 730); where the departure applies broadly to a scheme, route or area, give the grid reference for the geometric centre.
  2. Add using structure key – this option facilitates a search (By Structure Key and/or Description) of all available structures.  Once a structure has been selected, the Structure Key, Description and OSGB36 Grid Reference are added to the Departure Locations table. Please note that the structures listing is imported from IAMIS every evening
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Linked Departures

Associated, similar or repeated departures should be provided in the above section which has relevance to the departure application. The knowledge or lessons learned taken from the previous departure should be included as well as previous comments and conditions provided by SES specialists. It should be noted that the existence of a previously approved application should not be used as the justification for the current application and does not guarantee acceptance.

This has been an enhanced addition to the tool and will only be linking to departures available to the supply chain based on specific permissions. That way users can identify and recognise best practice and engage with previous records to guide and support the overall process.

Currently the drop-down menu for this field has been designed for the following three categories:

  • Associated i.e., determined departures or otherwise, with the same PIN, as in the departure being applied for, where the departure is in the same or adjacent locations that have a cumulative effect.
  • Similar i.e., these are only determined departures (not confidential) on any PINS (schemes) on DAS.
  • Repeated i.e., these are only determined departures with the same PIN as in the departure being applied for.

We have requested an enhancement to DAS for this field (funds permitting in 2025) so that any linked departures (Determined or Not Determined i.e. inflight) can have the choice of the above three relationships.

Until this enhancement is implemented the non-determined departures can only have the associated relationship but the designer can add “Similar” or “Repeated” in the comments text.

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The required detailed submission content varies according to the primary subject matter of the application. Please select the relevant link below for specific guidance on how to meet submission criteria for each available subject.

Please note

  • the General template should be used as a last resort; otherwise specific requirements may be omitted, resulting in potential rework.
  • the template cannot be changed once the departure application has been transitioned to the ‘Submission in preparation’ workflow stage. Please take care to ensure that the correct template is initially selected.
  • all traffic signs, including road markings and road studs, must comply with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Direction 2016 (TSRGD) or be authorised by the Secretary of State. Statutory and mandatory requirements are specified in MCHW Series 1200. The departures process shall not be used to seek authorisation of any traffic sign which is not prescribed by the TSRGD. Any request for a non-prescribed traffic sign shall first be made to the SES Safer Roads Design team ( for initial review and discussion. The Safer Roads Design team will follow the Department for Transport’s non-prescribed traffic sign authorisation process for all such requests. Further information on the process for non-prescribed traffic signs, including the typical timeframes for the review of applications, is available from the Safer Roads Design team.


All mandatory descriptions and file names in DAS for all attachments should be in Asciimath format only. Alternative text is invalid, ensure all items are renamed prior to upload to avoid issues or automated prompts in DAS.

All new departures should have a unique reference to be noted within the departure application template.

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