Completing the Road Layout template submission detail

Please note that the indexing used within the DAS application form does not match the indexing within this help page.

The below provides guidance on how to complete the submission section of the departure application when the Road Layout template has been selected.


​​Guidance on the information to be provided within each section is highlighted in amber. Please review the guidance and then replace it with submission specific details – simply select all the guidance text under a heading and start typing to replace it.

Scheme Details

Scheme Description

​Provide a brief overview of the scheme and a statement of what the overarching scheme is intending to address.

Type of Scheme

​Provide a brief overview of the existing and proposed operating regime of the road.

Extents of Scheme

​Provide information on the extents of the entire scheme. This can include changes, grid references or road/ junction numbers.

Scheme Programme

​Provide information on major scheme milestones.

Context of scheme with adjacent highway

​Provide a brief overview about the road type and/ or operating regime at either end of the scheme.

Long term route strategy

​As applicable, provide relevant information about pipeline schemes that may impact the departure in the future.


Full details of proposed Departure

​Provide details of the what the departure is and why it is being proposed.

Existing Departures

​As applicable, provide information about any existing non-compliant features that are relevant to this departure submission.

Options Rejected

​Include information about what a compliant option would require together with any alternative non-compliant options that have been assessed and rejected.

​Include an explanation why these options have been rejected should be provided.

Secondary Standard

As applicable, information should be provided where the departure results in a design that does not satisfy other interdependent requirements.

Linking Departures

Associated, Repeat / Similar Departures and Relaxations

Associated, similar or repeated departures should be provided in the above section which has relevance to the departure application. The knowledge or lessons learned taken from the previous departure should be included as well as previous comments and conditions provided by SES specialists. It should be noted that the existence of a previously approved application should not be used as the justification for the current application and does not guarantee acceptance.

This has been an enhanced addition to the tool and will only be linking to departures available to the supply chain based on specific permissions. That way users can identify and recognise best practice and engage with previous records to guide and support the overall process.

Currently the drop-down menu for this field has been designed for the following three categories:

  • Associated i.e., determined departures or otherwise, with the same PIN, as in the departure being applied for, where the departure is in the same or adjacent locations that have a cumulative effect.
  • Similar i.e., these are only determined departures (not confidential) on any PINS (schemes) on DAS.
  • Repeated i.e., these are only determined departures with the same PIN as in the departure being applied for.

Technical Information / Justification

Existing Speed

​As applicable, include information on the existing design speed, speed limit and /or recorded speeds.

Proposed Speed

​Provide information on the proposed design speed.

Walking Cycling and Horse Riding Considerations

​As applicable, provide information on the needs of walkers, cyclists and horse riders and how the departure and design has taken each of these users into account.

​Relevant outputs from the DMRB GG142 Walking Cycling and Horse Riding Assessment and Review Process undertaken for the scheme can be included.

Existing Street Lighting Provision

​As applicable, provide information on the existing street lighting provision.

Proposed Street Lighting Provision

​As applicable, provide information on the proposed street lighting provision.

Additional Technical Information/ Justification

As applicable, provide any additional information relevant to the departure application. This might include, but is not limited to, the following:

vehicle restraint system provision,
exposure of location to severe weather,
proximity of features such as junctions, structures or lay-bys.​

Supporting information

Supporting information should only be included where it is relevant and specifically referenced using the indexed number in line with the automated attachments side pane.

Extracts should be included within the relevant section within the departure submission.

Collision Summary

Only collision data relevant to the area affected by the departure should be provided.

Collision data should be provided for the most recent 3 years available and commentary provided on that data.

An explanation of the anticipated impact the departure will have on collision data should be provided.

Road Safety Audit

Provide information about any road safety audits undertaken and whether the road safety audit identified any relevant problems related to the proposed departure.
Where a problem has been raised, information should be provided that clarifies whether the design organisation and / or the overseeing organisation accept the problem and recommendation.

Traffic data

As applicable, provide relevant traffic data.

Data can include vehicle types, walkers, cyclists and horse riders flows, opening year data and design year flows.

Relevant information should be extracted from supporting documentation.

An explanation of the impact the departure may have on traffic flows should be provided.

Junction Capacity

As applicable, a summary of the impact the departure may have on the junction should be provided. This may include existing, year of opening and design year queue lengths.

Visibility Information

As applicable, information on visibility should be provided. This should include existing and proposed Stopping Sight Distance or sign/signal visibility.

Where relevant, information should be provided to the high and low object height.

Visibility graphs, tabulated visibility information as well as drawings are useful supporting documentation.

Vehicle Swept path plots

As applicable, provide information on vehicle swept paths

Other modelling

As applicable, provide any additional information such 3-D drive throughs and microsimulation.

For signalling departures this could be screenshots from the simulation to illustrate the visibility to a signal.


Provide information of relevant consultation undertaken. This can include:

SES Technical Specialists
Maintenance organisation
Operations Liaison Officer,
​Traffic Officer Service,
Emergency Services,
National and/ or regional operation centres
Local highway authorities
Vehicle recovery agents


Benefits, Impacts and Risks

Safety Implications

Describe the safety implications/ risks that the proposed design solution with the proposed departure has when compared to a fully compliant design and any rejected options.

Information should support a full risk assessment.


Provide information about any specific mitigation that is proposed as part of the design solution to reduce any associated risk with the departure.

An explanation of why the mitigation is being proposed and how it reduces any associated risk with the departure should be included.

Risks after Mitigation are As Low As Reasonably Practicable

An explanation why the level of residual risk is as low as reasonably practicable should be provided.

Cost Savings

Provide an overview of the financial savings that implementing the design solution with the proposed departure will have when compared to a fully compliant design and any rejected options.

Carbon net zero

Summarise how the departure will support, if not improve, the decarbonisation obligations of the requirement being departed from.

Environmental Benefits

Provide an overview of any environmental benefits that implementing the design solution with the proposed departure will have when compared to a fully compliant design and any rejected options.

Additional Considerations

Provide any additional information that has not already been provided within the departure submission that is relevant to determining the departure.

Overall Justification of Departure

Departure conclusion

Provide a final summary outlining the overarching benefit of the proposed departure when compared to a compliant scheme.